Our Story

I never thought I would be designing and selling cookies as a job, but now I can't imagine doing anything else. I have a background in design having graduated from the Interior Design program at Sheridan College and working at an architecture firm designing houses for nearly 10 years! I have also always loved baking. I grew up always baking with my Mom who is an amazing baker (and cook, but that's a gene I didn't receive). My love of baking began as early as I can remember and my love of sugar cookies started at the first Christmas we made colourful, icing covered trees and Santas. A yearly obsession that probably helped with my insane love of Christmas, but that's a whole other story. Sugar cookies tie my love of design and my love of baking together in the perfect match.

For years I only made sugar cookies at Christmas and although they were always delicious they really weren't that pretty. Then I discovered this whole new world of icing cookies with icing bags instead of trying to spread the icing with a knife and I was obsessed. I spent hours watching videos, reading recipes and learning techniques. I dove right in that Christmas and was hooked. From there I started making cookies for friends and family, but never thought of selling them. Then I started searching for inspiration, looking for more tips and tricks and realized just how large and amazing the cookie community was. I realized I could turn my passion into a successful business like so many other amazing cookiers.

In January of 2019 I started my Instagram page for Samantha's Sweet House. Over the next few months I started to promote myself and look into what I needed to successfully launch my business. In June of 2019 Samantha's Sweet House was registered as an official business. The rest, as they say, is history!


By appointment only.
​Administration and pickups from my home in Angus, Ontario, Canada
Delivery by availability

For general inquiries please fill out the form.

For ordering, please go to the Custom Cookie Order page.

Order inquiries sent through the form here will not be answered.